Christmas Is About Gifts

Christmas is about gifts. It's odd hearing that sentence. We work so hard teaching our children that Christmas is not about is about so much more.

By reminding them constantly that this season is not about presents, shopping, Santa and more, more, more...I failed to take the time to realize that Christmas is about gifts. It started with gifts and continues to be about gifts.

It is about the gift of unconditional love, the gift of trust and faith, the gift of spirit and the gift of compassion and charity. Christmas is about gifts!

Gifts can come without credit cards, check-outs and Santa's. We have these gifts ready and wrapped with beautiful bows within us all...the gift of our undivided attention, the gift of enthusiasm, the gift of our creative energy. We can give the gift of thoughtful communication, the gift of hope and the gift of joy.

It is about gifts! I can tell my children with enthusiasm, without guilt and with peace that Christmas is about gifts! We all have the ability and the means to give these gifts and we are all able and deserving to receive these same gifts!

Christmas is about gifts!

