Rest will look different for all of us. For some, rest is as basic as taking a nap. For others, it may mean reading a good book, sitting in stillness, or reconnecting with close friends.
The Covid pandemic has changed the world and has touched every individual in some way. We have been forced to alter the way we work, socialize, and how we schedule, and move about our basic days. It has forced us to slow down and spend more time in personal reflection. It has been equally devastating and freeing.
As we enter into the deep winter of 2021, health has been a topic of conversation that has dominated the newsreels and our daily conversations since March 2020.
At some point, we have all received the well-meaning advice to “stay positive”. To view the glass as “half full” sometimes can feel like wishful thinking or “Pollyannaish”. And it can be difficult to find the motivation to stay positive when life becomes challenging.
Fall is in the air and with the change of season, we have the opportunity to begin again, change what we want to change and take care of our needs in a new way. Here are a few self-care ideas to add to your month ahead.