Are you sowing various seeds to encompass your diverse interests and connections? Or are you opting for a "mono-crop," focusing solely on one narrow aspect of your life?
Building a new habit requires significant effort, but the challenge is not only achievable but sometimes it’s necessary. Initiating a new habit presents a dual challenge: not only are we integrating a fresh set of behaviours, but we are also detaching from previously ingrained patterns. Essentially, this process entails rewiring our brains!
My home practice started simply. I rolled out my yoga mat and explored some of the poses and ideas that I had learned in class. I explored sitting still in meditation and pranayama. It was challenging to stay committed, but it was essential to a nourishing practice.
Schedule “worry time” on your calendar…it may sound strange to create time in your day to worry. But if you become disciplined with this practice, you can give your worries a space to be.
Although yoga is often associated with flexible women in expensive yoga gear, I’ve found that men really enjoy it too, once they give it a chance. More and more men are finding that adding yoga into their busy lives helps them reduce aches and pains, sleep better, and perform better in their chosen sports, from hockey and rugby, to golf and running.