I Identify

I identify with your struggle, for I struggle too.
I identify with your tightness and pain, for I feel it too.
I identify with your self-consciousness and timidness because I know what it's like to be so unsure.

I hear you; but truthfully, sometimes I have a harder time hearing myself.  And so I practice.

My life, my mind and my body can feel so busy.  The to-do list continues to grow.  Will it never end?

Most days it is difficult to find myself under the layers of school forms, emails, organizing tasks and roles that I must assume to keep my family and my business running.  Most days it is hard to simply feel.

I identify with the challenge to stay calm, present and at peace.  And so I practice.

And just now (the impetus behind writing this post), I felt my body unwind just a bit.  It was not because I did something.  It was because my body wanted to unwind.  In this unguarded moment while sipping my tea and listening to the hose fill our leaking pool, my body softened and it felt slow and honey-like.  It warmed my tight muscles and eased my scattered mind.  It connected me to the moment, my breath and my body.  I felt in that moment what is always possible and available to me.  I physically felt the direction that my body wanted to steer me toward if I let my guard down and allowed it to find its harmony, peace and balance.

And so I practice with the intention of simply getting out of the way.

I practice listening because my body's wisdom is speaking to me and has much to teach.

I practice feeling because the alternative is cold and hard and unwilling.

I practice breathing because it softens my thoughts, my internal fibres and my soul.

Do you identify with me?

