Welcome back CSY Community…

This morning the studio was buzzing with a "back to school" energy. As I smiled each time the door opened, I secretly marvelled at how this was our 9th fall season!  Wow. Time flies when you are having fun.

Most of the chatter this morning was about how quickly the summer flew by.  But as I sit here now with the studio quiet, and having watched the sun patterns move across the studio floor; I am reflecting on not only how quickly the summer flew by but how rewarding these past 9 years have been! The CSY Community has been such an incredible by-product of the simple idea of teaching a few yoga classes.  I would never have predicted the warmth and spirit that would bloom from expanding our studio walls.

This month, the studio exploration (did you know that we have a monthly focus for our students and teachers to explore???  Check out our studio boards!) is the question "How important is community to your practice? 

Personally, my practice has flourished most dramatically when I have surrounded my practice with the community.   How does your practice differ when at home or when at the studio?   What benefits do you pull out of practicing in a community?  Has your yoga practice opened up your sense of community?

This fall I am excited by our many classes and workshops.  We welcome back our regular yoga classes and I am excited to continue to add to our practice with Pilates, Guided Meditation Evenings, Mindful Movement Dance Exploration and more.

Thank you for your part in making this all happen.

"Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are one ocean." ~ Ryunosuke Satoro

