This will be a time in our lives that we will never forget.
After 13 years, Creating Space Yoga Studio temporarily closed its doors on March 15, 2020, due to the Covid-19 global pandemic.
If you have been struggling or have not yet found consistency in your home practice, here are a few suggestions to explore.
Have you spent long hours sitting at a desk or hunched over a screen? If so, you have probably noticed that over time your muscles feel stiff, your joints ache and your neck and shoulders become filled with tension. Your body is communicating to you through sensation! It may be time to take a short movement break to break the cycle.
Do I have to be flexible to do yoga? What type of yoga is right for me? What are the benefits of yoga? These questions and more…
Welcome! We appreciate our CSY Community so deeply and we hope that you will find our studio a warm and inviting place to practice. Here is what you can expect.
We are often asked as teachers what books would we recommend to our students that have helped or inspired us in our practice and teaching. The answer has changed for many of us through the years, as our practices and teaching have evolved. When I asked our teachers this same question last month; these are the titles of the books that came to mind.
It was a bit of a risk to agree to move our entrance to the side of the building. Before the summer, the north side of the building was dark, dirty and not very pleasant looking for the past 12 years. The only way I would agree to move our CSY entrance is if there were to be a commitment for extensive landscaping and abundant lighting.
I am not surprised when I hear from so many students that their favourite yoga pose is Shivasana. I mean, what is not to love about coming to a full stop and finally resting after a busy day or active practice?
I have always held deep tension in my shoulders and neck. It is my go-to place for stress and can be the instigator of headaches and lightheadedness.
iRest® Yoga Nidra is an evidence-based ancient practice of deep relaxation and meditative inquiry that releases negative emotions and thought patterns, calms the nervous system and develops an inner sanctuary of well-being and equanimity to help with any circumstance you may encounter in your life.
The rush is over and the chilly winter season has cast its blanket encouraging us to slow down and to mindfully settle back into routine. As you have moved into the new year, have you had time for reflection? In this season of resolutions, do you feel overwhelmed or motivated? Do the changes you want to see in yourself and the world feel insurmountable or within reach?
10 years is a reason to celebrate!
We hope you will join us this weekend to celebrate 10 years of community.
When we think of summer, many of us conjure up images of docks and cool lakes, hiking trails and road trips. While most of us enjoy the opportunity that this season provides, sometimes we discover that the other parts of our routines slip for a couple of months.
1 Guitar, 3 Violins & 1 Cello ...
Are you ready to shake up your Saturday night plans and open yourself up to the inspiring world of live classical music?
December Magic ... in stillness and in play.
December is a month that can be consumed with busyness if we do not stop to take the time to witness the magic.
This morning the studio was buzzing with a "back to school" energy. As I smiled each time the door opened, I secretly marvelled at how this was our 9th fall season! Wow. Time flies when you are having fun.
Robyn Bowman practiced yoga long before it became trendy. Twenty-three years ago yoga was not a noun and it did not have stores full of dedicated clothing, mats and props. There were no hot yoga studios or variations designed to keep the workout crowd happy.
This is the time of year when we hear the endless list of resolutions or intentions that many of us choose to set as we turn the calendar page into the new year.
It all started with my young children on Christmas Eve. We had a tradition that they were able to open one small gift on that special night. The gift was always a new pair of cozy PJs.
Almost 10 years ago, I had a vision of a studio space that created opportunities for people to feel safe and supported as they looked inside and discovered different parts of themselves.